07 May 2005

Getting Steamy in LA

The ad campaign for the L.A. Opera’s upcoming Der Rosenkavalier has generated a lot of talk. Downtown artist Gottfried Helnwein, who is designing the production’s costumes and sets, also came up with the poster — using two models, a little makeup, and the power of suggestion.

LA Opera Ad for Der Rosenkavalier (Artwork by Gottfried Helnwein)


That Risqué Opera Ad, Old School Trance Music

by Kristin Friedrich [LA Downtown News, 7 May 05]

The ad campaign for the L.A. Opera's upcoming Der Rosenkavalier has generated a lot of talk. Downtown artist Gottfried Helnwein, who is designing the production's costumes and sets, also came up with the poster — using two models, a little makeup, and the power of suggestion.

Click here for remainder of article.

Click here for press release.